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Since 2010 the cost of Solar panel installations has fallen by 70%, this huge reduction in cost has seen a huge increase in installations across the UK. With technology advancing in the manufacturing of solar panels there has been a massive price drop in solar panels which has enabled homeowners to install affordable renewable energy technology and drastically reduce their heating and electricity bills.

For most UK homeowners Solar is a sound financial and environmental option.

Installing Solar panels is about more than just saving you money on your energy bills, solar panels can generate, store and trade energy – saving and earning you up to £40k on a 6kWh system over 25 years.

When you consider there are over 17 million home owners in the UK and that the vast majority may benefit from a Solar Install, it makes sense to learn more about the ethical and financial benefits that millions in the UK are already enjoying.

Can I have Solar?

If your answer to any of the questions below is yes then getting a free quote for Solar Panels is a great idea.

  1. Are you a home owner?
  2. Are you looking to reduce your monthly Electricity bills?
  3. Do you want free electricity to use in your home?
  4. Do you want to be less reliant on the National Grid?
  5. Do you want to use less fossil fuels?
  6. Do you want to get paid for the energy you produce?

If you answered YES to any of the above – why not get a FREE quote?


The Whys!

  1. Money Saving – Not only do you get paid but you also support the national grid.
  2. Store Power – Store power for use in the evenings when you use it most.
  3. Sell Power – Take advantage of being able to sell any unused energy.
  4. No Pollution – According to the energy trust a typical residential solar system could save up to 2 tonnes of carbon every year
  5. Off Grid Energy – If you are not connected to the national grid then Solar is one of the recommended ways to self-generate electricity
  6. Low Maintenance – Easy install and leading technology means systems are manufactured to last with little up keep

How Can I Get a Quote?

We know how important it is for you to get the best deal. You’ll only get quotes that are suitable for your area.

Select your area and we’ll get a local solar installer to provide you with  quote.

Start Saving & Earning with Solar

Select your area, answer a few questions about your home and get a no obligation quote. Simple!

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Answer a few simple questions and we’ll send you information on the best deals in your area.

Get your Free Solar Quote today and start Saving!

1Average up-front costs for solar pv has fallen 31% from £9,671 to £6,672 since 2014. See Which? for more information about the falling cost of solar panel sysytems.
2Households in the South-east of England can save up to £220 on their annual electricity bill. See energysavingtrust.org.uk for a full breakdown of solar savings by region.

Get Started with a FREE Solar Quote